Is there anyone used to ask this to you?
What do you want to be?
A simple question but very difficult to answer. Everyday, life has been changed and according to each situation, we find "what" we want to be.
To answer, we need to discover ourselves.
This question is likely about the career in the future.
Each career has a way to go but we need a starter to be there.
The career can be:
- A staff in a company
- A manager in a company
- A teacher at high school or university
- A boss or the owner of a business in one area
But in anyhow, a starter career is a path to discover well about what we want to.
What should be a starter?
Mostly before reach our goal, we have to find out what is area we need to be with, they are such as:
- Education area
- Product & Service area
- Restaurant, Hotel
- Selling goods at the supermarket
- NGOs
- Telecom
- Software development
- etc.
When we found one of our favorite, then let's find a starter around there.
And dealing, improving, making more connections, taking risk to change one to another or looking for more partners and then go to it!
How about if we already have a starter?
So what you want to be?
We continue this topic later on, it's more interesting to see if some people sharing the answer of "What you want to be?" in comment so we can go further!